When Gwen, 3RD & LUXE's co-founder Melody's daughter, turned 6 months old, we had to be #extra and throw her a Sweet 6 Months party!

We went with a mini carnival theme because we knew there would be so many delish sweets and fun decorations to work with.

Can you even? These 1/2 glittered cupcake toppers are to die for.

While we have made donuts in the past, we hit up our town's famous corner donut shop for these babies! Sometimes you don't want to mess with a good thing- and our donut guy knows how to make a killer sprinkle donut. #PartyHack: Be sure to call the day before to order the color, flavor, and toppings you want!

Glitter. Flowers. Streamers. Balloons. Sweets. Sounds like carnival heaven, right?

The cake stands on this table are our dream! They were provided by Amalfi Decor and got so many compliments at the party.

The dessert table included lemon cake with lavender buttercream that was perfect for summer! Get the recipe here!

This glitter cake topper and the adorable 1/2 cupcake toppers were provided by Glitter Party Co!

Triple the layers, triple the fun.

Sometimes frosting and sprinkles aren't enough for a cupcake. That's why when we saw the recipe for these Cotton Candy cupcakes, we knew we had to make them! Find the cupcake recipe here!

Upgrade traditional candy apples for these beauties!

We love this homemake churro recipe! Of course, we added pink sugar to match our theme.

We kind of feel bad for giving this recipe out because there is a chance that you will eat it all before your party guests arrive. This Animal Cracker Popcorn is 3RD & LUXE's kryptonite. It's sweet, salty, and pretty. Try the recipe at your own risk!

We ordered a raffle ticket wheel and displayed some of the tickets on our tabletops!

By having different flower heights in each centerpiece, we were able to elongate our tablescape!

We also served soft pretzels with cheese, mini corn dogs, arugula pizza, and had a chili cheese hot dog bar!
We used this soft pretzel recipe!

We washed it all down with genuine southern lemonade, overnighted to us in California from New Orleans! It was the best lemonade we had ever tasted!
Strawberry Lemonade provided by Lade Beverages.
Strawberry Peach Ginger-ade by LIIN – HYI Flave Drinks.

For the party invite we sent out an incredibly simple and absolutely adorable e-invitation from Paperless Post! We chose this theme appropriate cotton candy design!

Happy mommy and baby!

Gwen's 3RD & LUXE aunties were just as excited as she was for her 1/2 birthday party!

Follow the 3RD & LUXE mascot @GwenivereJoy!

Happy 1/2 birthday, Gwenivere Joy! You will always have a three-woman army standing behind you.
Misc. Rose Gold Decor - Shop Here
6 Months Banner - Shop Here
Triangle Garland - Shop Here
Rose Gold Tablecloth- Shop Here
Pink & Gold Confetti - Shop Here
Rose Gold Glitter Balloons - Shop Here
Cupcake Ferris Wheel - Shop Here
Pink Striped Cupcake Cups- Shop Here
Acrylic Donut Stands - Shop Here
Rose Gold Balloon Letters - Shop Here
Pink Raffle Tickets - Shop Here
Cotton Candy Machine - Shop Here
Rose Gold Backdrops - Shop Here
Pink & Gold Popcorn Boxes - Shop Here
Balloon Arch - Shop Here
6 Month High Chair Skirt - Shop Here
6 Month Baby Crown - Shop Here
Lace Baby Onesie - Shop Here